J 珠寶店鋪

This jewelry shop features a collection of international jewelry brands from the East and the West, providing customers with a diversified jewelry shopping experience. The design is based on the concept of “Eastern and Western cultures converge here”, taking the Turkish Grand Bazaar, which has been the gathering point of Eastern and Western commerce and culture since ancient times as the prototype, providing customers a carnival like eye dazzling and treasure hunting shopping experience in an exotic market.
這珠寶店鋪以薈集東西方國際珠寶品牌為特色,提供顧客多元化的珠寶零售體驗。 設計藉由”東西文化薈萃於此”的概念出發,以自古即為東西方商業及文化匯集點的土耳其大市集作為店鋪原型,提供給顧客“目不暇給”及“市集尋寶”的嘉年華式的購物體驗。