
Foshan, China|中國佛山

The floor area of this 4-storey private villa is about 600m2. The owner requests to adopt “Hui Style”. The exterior replaces original Spanish decor with the simplicity of “white walls and dark roof tiles”. A feature pool is added to the original garden to reflect the main body of the building and it also serve as a microclimate adjustment. The interior space is elegant, simple, and flowing. A combination of white walls and dark wood achieves a beauty of contrast, transforming the residence into a Chinese tranquil sophistication.

這棟4層高的私宅別墅室內面積約為600平方米,空間設計與風格按業主喜好的”中式鰴派”為出發點。建築外觀以 “粉牆黛瓦”的簡約取代原有西班牙式風格、並在原有庭園上增設一座景觀水池與建築主體相映、也作為微氣候調節之用。室內空間以簡約通透為主、材料以白牆配上深色原木得出黑與白的對比、以達到文人雅居的空間氛圍。