LAO FENG XIANG JEWELRY STORE nanning department store


Nanning, China|中國南寧
Lao Feng Xiang is a century old jewelry brand in China, originated from Shanghai. The owner would like to enhance existing branding. The design concept is to rejuvenate the brand via “art deco” style, bringing out the history and elegance of Lao Feng Xiang in glamorous old Shanghai.
老鳳祥發跡於上海、是百年歷史傳承的中國珠寶品牌,業主希望對既有形象設計進行更新升級。設計的理念是將老鳳祥當年處於上海的歷史及風華傳承,以“art deco” 樣式啟發將品牌形象重新詮釋。